Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Historic Fart

Circa 1978
My brother Peter was in the basement when I heard him call, "come quick, hurry, now!"
I flew down the stairs as fast as I could run, jumping several steps due to the urgency of my older brother's plea. My mind was a torrent of thoughts. Was it a mouse, a bat, a turkey, maybe even fireworks? As I hit the landing I sprinted around the corner and down the hall towards the room where Peter was calling. Then, as if running into a field of mustard gas I hit what seemed like a solid wall of invisible shit. Being a little winded I took several deep breaths of the noxious gas and fell to my knees thinking I was going to vomit. "Ha ha ha ha...." was what I heard from the room ahead. "What a masterpiece, isn't it?" After crawling out of the "danger zone" and sitting for a few minutes Peter suggested we get some more people as the potency was not diminishing. One by one we lured the unsuspecting victims of our family down with even visitors not being spared the onslaught. Without fear of exaggeration, I can safely say the smell lasted over an hour and provided great laughs at the various responses. You would have thought my sister had caught fire. Some of the victims exclaimed,"Oh my God! That is not normal. You should see a doctor!" Even the next day there was still the faintest hint. So potent was that flatulation that 30 years later those who were unfortunate enough to encounter the deadly beast still recall it with great disgust and respect. It has come to be know in my circle as "The Fart." This is a true account save for changing my brother's name to protect the innocent or rather the not innocent.

Until the next time.


C. Cowley said...

Dude. Crazy.
I just did one of those physical shoulder shake shudders. That had to be BAD to be that memorable.
Good times...

Suzyn said...

And "Peter" still grins from ear to ear each time the story is mentioned...

Anonymous said...

The depraved indifference of the Shadowy olfactory emittance is a pathetic overview of what life burns into the old noggin! MCF