Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bath Robes

Like many guys, I enjoy a good shower or bath. About seven months ago I stumbled into a method of drying myself off that is not only very efficient and fast but feels great. I had always been a fan of the terrycloth robes. They are great because they are very absorbent and dry off any areas that might have been missed by the standard towel. Then my wonderful wife bought me a very soft microfiber plush robe. Now while not nearly as absorbent as the terrycloth robe, it was exponentially softer. I was facing a dilemma because I assumed that I had to get rid of one, with the logical choice being the older terrycloth robe. Then I noticed something that my wife was doing. She had always used her terrycloth robe as her primary dryer, using the regular bath towel for her hair. This gave me an idea, so I decided to forgo my usual drying with the regular bath towel and go straight to the terrycloth robe. Drying was quick and thorough. I even dried my head by just pulling the robe over top my shoulders. I then hung up the terrycloth robe, inside out to dry and slipped into my microfiber plush robe. It felt wonderful. Eureka! I found my new drying method. Of course, you do need two robes for this method but I highly recommend it. Until the next time.


Suzyn said...

A most ingenious system, indeed. Looking forward to the next read.

Anonymous said...

not sure about the commercial, what was said, about Fiji Hakawhatever, but happy to see you in the ether .. look forward to more