Monday, September 15, 2008

Master Cleanser/Lemonade Diet

I am now currently on day 3 of the Master Cleanser. This will be about the 14th time I have done this and so far it is going well. Every cleanse is different for me with some being harder than others. I remember one, number 9 I think, that was so difficult I thought I was doing it wrong. I barely made it the full 10 days. But then I recall cleanse number 12 that was so easy. Now I am sure some of you are wondering, "Why do you do the cleanse?" Besides the obvious answers of detoxing the body and cleaning my insides, I do it to treat my condition. I have my blood work checked about 4 times a year due to kidney issues and have seen my numbers improve with the cleanse. I also feel better over all with more energy and gain a sharper focus. Now, the cleanse is not for everyone and as mentioned, can be very difficult. Watching TV is very hard because of the number of commercials about food. The cravings get really tough around day 5 for me but I always seem to manage. The worst aspect of the cleanse is the salt water flush that is really horrible! Other people use laxative tea but I was not able to handle that. If you are at all curious about trying it, drop me a line and I will share what I know from my experiences. For you nay sayers, my doctor, an old school, well know and respected MD, now thinks that the cleanse has done me a great deal of good based on my blood tests and fully supports me doing it. "And the times they are a changin..."

Until the next time. Carpe Diem.

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